Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Octoberfest Day 24: "Cheese de Philadelphia"

I woke up today feeling extra crabby. And I'm not sure why. I had great ambitions to perform another random act of kindness today as my Octoberfest activity. But I just didn't have the heart for it. It didn't occur to me until tonight what my activity would be. I promised you guys something new every day of the month, right? And not all of those things are quote, unquote activities. Sometimes they are metaphorically something new. I have tried to provide entertaining accounts of my day-to-day events but I enjoy it very much when I can provide something useful as well. My new activity for today was dealing with a bad day in a way I don't normally do. As I mentioned, I don't really know why I was in such a foul mood. I think that it's so easy for us to get caught up in our obligations and that becomes very overwhelming at times. I've been trying to get caught up on everything since my parents' party. And given my ripe old age of 31, I'm still tired from my parents' party LOL and that isn't helping matters. I made it through the day at work and then I had to attend a guest speaker at Drake as part of our class. Honestly, I wanted to just go home. My classmates and I decided to grab sushi before the speaker. I love these people! :) As a group, we are always laughing hysterically about random stuff and we commiserate over class requirements together. I really wanted to skip the speaker tonight because I just didn't feel up to it, I would have liked to just go home and go to bed but I'm glad that I didn't skip it because the light-hearted laughing helped to improve my mood. Case in point - after I realized I was charged an extra $3 for cream cheese on my sushi rolls (highway robbery!), Chris told a story about being in Mexico and really loving the dip that this hotel had provided. And when he asked the guy what it was made from he replied, "cheese de Philadelphia." LOL Ahhh we got a really good laugh out of that one :). So the tired, overwhelmed, defeated, not sure where to start mood continued even after I left my classmates. If I could have stayed laughing with them a little longer I'm sure my mood would have continued improving. So on the way home, I craved comfort food thinking it would make me feel better. So I stopped at McDonald's and ordered a coke and a sundae, feeling even more guilty because one of the things I'm feeling down on myself for is not eating healthy or getting to the gym lately. Sigh. I'll start tomorrow. I got home and to be honest, the coke didn't taste good, and the sundae didn't hit the spot. So I didn't consume either. Ugh. That didn't work. I let my dog outside and realized there's a hole in my fence where it literally looks like someone punched the wood out. Great. Just what I need. I walk into the yard to assess the damage and I stepped in dog poop. Ok, I'm fighting a losing battle here. And that's when it occurred to me that what I really need to do is give up and go to bed. I think we all live such busy lives that when we feel overwhelmed our first instinct is to do more. But in reality, sometimes those situations call for some TLC for ourselves. I know that I'm tired. What I would normally do is stay up until my usual bedtime of midnight or after checking a few more items off the list. Well guess what? Those items will still be there tomorrow. To make myself feel better, I got organized, made a list of things to accomplish tomorrow and as soon as I finish typing this, I'm going to sleep. There's no other way to try making myself feel better. I just need to give up on today and look forward to tomorrow. Sometimes that's the best medicine for us - and maybe some philadelphia cream cheese wouldn't hurt...

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