Sunday, October 7, 2012

Octoberfest: Day 7 "Whole Lotta Confusion"

Cupcakes (not on the diet)
Van Halen got me prepared for tonight's activity; I'm Jumping for joy. Super excited...are you ready for this? I stopped by the new Whole Foods grocery store! (crickets chirping) What's the matter? Not impressed? Well I can't jump off a mountain or anything super adventurous, it's Sunday. So I drove over to Des Moines' latest attempt at being seen as a "real city." I walked in and noticed that the store is much smaller than I was envisioning. Nontheless, I grabbed a cart and tooled myself around the store, looking at everything and taking in the items they had to offer. Admittedly, I didn't know what I was getting into before I stepped foot into this store. I should have done my research. I knew that their claim to fame was organic but what I didn't realize was that they wouldn't carry any of the brands on my list LOL. I approached one of the workers (who, by the way was pretty attractive), did my very best imitation of a "lost shopper," batted the ol' eyelashes and said "umm, excuse me, where are the Anderson Erickson items?" And he looked at me, offended, and said, "we don't carry that brand here. It's all organic stuff." THAT'S why I can't find anything! My shopping excursion ended quickly after that - but not before I stopped at the bakery to witness probably some of the most amazing cupcakes I've ever laid eyes on. And took a picture for you guys. As I was walking myself out, I noticed a couple of other attractive guys (and tried justifying another return trip based on that fact alone, but I couldn't. Unless I have nothing better to do than shop for groceries on a Sunday afternoon and not actually buy any groceries). Strangely enough the shaggy haired, tie-dyed adorned cutie was looking at hemp chips - makes sense. Wait a minute, WHAT?! Chips made out of hemp? This place is way out of my league. I gotta go home, to Hy-Vee, that's my grocery store. I know where everything is located, I know what everything is, and I can always expect a smile (finish it with every aisle).

You win some and you lose some. I took a chance and visited a place well out of my comfort zone and I came up empty handed. BUT, the important part is that I tried. I expanded my horizon of grocery staples for just a moment and then realized I would need to do some more homework before attempting the Whole Foods again. Oh well...

I didn't promise that every Octoberfest event would result in winning. Sometimes the losses are just as important and eye opening. What's that? You want your money back on reading this? Sorry, I don't issue refunds. Stick with me, lots of exciting things planned for this week!   

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