Friday, October 5, 2012

Octoberfest: Day 4 "Veggie Tales"

Tonight's post is short, much like my hand modeling career. "Oh, crooked pinky fingers? Yeah, we'll call you. Thanks for stopping in." Shoot. Time for Plan B (not to be confused with the Plan B contraceptive that is sold at area drug stores). So Octoberfest started with a giant bang and given I'm in my 30s now, I can't handle so much excitement without getting a little bit worn out. Staying up until well past 1:00 am making sure my blog is in tip-top shape probably doesn't help either. So for tonight's activity, I'm going more low-key. If we were at a junior high school dance this would be the point in the evening when the DJ says "Let's slow things down right now with a classic by Boyz II Men." Alright yes, I'm dating myself by admitting Boyz II Men was popular when I was in junior high. Back to the task at hand. This is actually something that makes perfect sense to me and I'm honestly not sure why I haven't tried this sooner. I'm a huge animal lover so it makes sense that I would abstain from eating any kind of meat for a day so Octoberfest meet Vegetarian, Vegetarian meet Octoberfest. It really wasn't hard to be a Vegetarian for a day. Now let me just admit that I know there are varying degrees of vegetarianism and I would never proclaim to know the difference to any of them. For the purpose of my Day 4 experiement, I went with not eating any meat but cheese and dairy products were fair game. For lunch I had a lean cuisine pasta and for dinner, I finally tried a veggie burger. You know what - I actually loved it (vegetarians everywhere rejoice!). It was so different of a flavor but it was unexpected and really delicious at the same time. I added cheese to the top of mine and then dipped it in ketchup. Don't judge me, I put ketchup on everything, yes including steaks. I finished my meal with some cottage cheese (who doesn't love CC? I could eat it at literally every meal) and felt absolutely satisfied. Who knew veggie burgers could be so delicious??!!

So while some of my Octoberfest activities are social and adventurous by nature, sometimes slowing it down to try something new is just what the doctor ordered. I have a new appreciation for vegetarian options and I feel like I could make this into my regular habits at least once a week. While it doesn't involve me becoming a vegetarian completely (I'm still addicted to my chicken), it's a way to give back nontheless. Thinking out of the box doesn't have to be a grand gesture, sometimes the little things can add up to a big difference.

Veggie Burger (not meat)
Oh the DJ is telling me to put my hands in the air and wave them like I just don't care. But I do care...about going to bed....

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