Monday, October 14, 2013

October is the day!

When in Chicago, do what Chicagoans do, right?! So I'm in Chicago for my birthday and having a wonderful time. But I still remember that I made a promise to reveal something today and I'm not about to break my promise. For reals. Just not right now. Please try your request again later....

Gotcha! I'm kidding. Here goes. When I finished Octoberfest last year, I didn't have an idea how I could move forward with the blog even though I really wanted to. And then I realized I wanted to continue trying new things, especially when it comes to traveling. But considering I'm not a famous published author (yet...), I can't very well take a trip somewhere exotic all the time. Wouldn't that be nice though. But what I CAN do is discover hidden gems a little closer to home. So here's the plan:

For one year, every week, I will venture somewhere "new" in Iowa and find something that location is somehow "known for," it could be a place, an object, a food, a drink, a person, etc. the sky is the limit here. I will travel there experience it and then blog about it. It's my hope that by the end of he year, I will have discovered so many new things about our wonderful state and will share them with you! Maybe it will spur some ideas for vacations for all of you. But I'm going to need your help. To take on such a commitment, a lot of planning must happen. I will have to research and plan this out now in order to make a "trip" happen once a week. Therefore between now and Jan. 1, I'm going to be asking for ideas on where to go. What are your favorite hotspots in Iowa? Who do you know that I just simply must meet? What food or drink do I need to devour? I won't know these great places to go unless you tell me. Oh! And I'm holding auditions for traveling partners, basically the requirements are: a love of adventure and...well breathing. Pretty low standards really. So, can you help me? Are you up to the challenge? I'm going to pester you all incessantly because the only way this will be good is if I start off with good ideas. Put on your thinking caps and start bombarding me with ideas! Share this with friends and let's get to the really cool places in Iowa. I'd love to have feedback on the idea in general too. We have several weeks to really put a great plan into motion. 

Now I must do as Chicagoans do: explore the city, eat a good hot dog and/or deep dish pizza (or both), and try not to get tagged by a screaming taxi. For now, I'm off. I have replaced the song lyrics of "hot child in the city," to "single girl in the city!" I have my favorite city to explore. Oh and a birthday to celebrate! :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October know what that means

Don't you just hate it when someone says "I have something to tell you," and then follows it up with "no, I can't tell you right now." I hate that too. But I'm going to do that right now. It's for your own good. Don't you hate when someone says that too? Me too. I'm glad we had this discussion. Well that's it folks, thanks for reading.

Hah, I wouldn't do that to you, my as-of-last-year-loyal followers! Some of you might be saying, "Shawnna, you're being a tease," and I take real offense to that. If I am a tease, then Madonna is a virgin. Or is she just like a virgin? As usual, I'm getting off track. This is just for building buzz, people. As the title of this post alludes to, I'm about to embark on a new adventure. And I would love to tell you about it...just not right now. I know, I know it's not fair. But life is not fair (I also hate when people tell me that). Because this fantastical brain of mine thinks way too many steps ahead, I wanted to commemorate last year's Octoberfest adventure by announcing the new journey on my birthday. What could be more fitting?!! If you don't remember the exact date of my birthday I won’t make you jump through another hoop: it’s Oct. 14. So 14 days from now I will be announcing what the new journey is and here’s a sneak peek: I’m going to need your help. Yes you. And you. And you and your brother. So your job, should you choose to accept it, is to help me build buzz until Oct. 14 and then it’s off the hinges on what I might ask you to do. You just never know. You’ll have to wait and see. If you’d like to guess what the new adventure is, I’ll entertain guesses. And if you offer me enough money and tell a bunch of your friends about my blog, I might just spill the beans early. I have no shame, if the price is right, I’ll do pretty much anything. I’m only teasing.  

Talk to you all soon!